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Prudent Corporate Advisory Services Limited


1,674.00 55.20 (3.41%)

Prev Close


Open Price




Today Low / High

1604.15 / 1728.9

52 WK Low / High

1135 / 3735.2


1,590 - 1,758

1,682.75 64.35 (3.98%)

Prev Close


Open Price




Today Low / High

1605.65 / 1730.75

52 WK Low / High

1129 / 3741.15


1,599 - 1,767

The stock is currently trading on both the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). On the NSE, the stock is priced at 1674 (target range: 1,590 - 1,758), reflecting a change of 55.2 (3.40993%). On the BSE, it is listed at 1682.75 (target range: 1,599 - 1,767), showing a change of 64.35 (3.97615%). Both the NSE and BSE data indicate positive movement, suggesting the stock is on an upward trend. This could be an attractive opportunity for investors looking for growth.

04 Mar 1,614.00 3.73%
03 Mar 1,641.20 -1.36%
28 Feb 1,741.70 -5.00%
27 Feb 1,913.90 -8.05%
25 Feb 1,914.05 -2.17%
24 Feb 1,908.65 0.33%
21 Feb 1,976.00 -2.43%
20 Feb 1,980.00 -0.66%
19 Feb 2,004.00 -1.13%
18 Feb 2,019.65 -0.74%
17 Feb 2,007.00 0.10%
14 Feb 2,140.00 -5.84%
13 Feb 2,159.00 -0.92%
12 Feb 2,156.00 -0.62%
11 Feb 2,373.60 -7.83%
10 Feb 2,418.00 -2.05%
07 Feb 2,420.00 0.15%
06 Feb 2,292.00 8.20%
05 Feb 2,142.00 10.03%
04 Feb 2,080.00 4.31%

Prudent Corporate Advisory Services Limited Graph

Prudent Corporate Advisory Services Limited Price Target Predictions: Bullish vs. Bearish Scenarios with Ranges

If you are looking Target Price for Prudent Corporate Advisory Services Limited T1, T2, T3, for both Bullish or Bearish. For Bullish T1, T2, T3 and for Bearish T1, T2, T3. The stock current price is 1,674, with potential price targets ranging from T1, T2, T3 in both directions based on market conditions.

Scenario Price Target Range
Bullish Scenario 1,682.75 1,699.58 1,529.62 - 1,869.54
1,716.41 1,373.12 - 2,059.69
1,733.23 1,213.26 - 2,253.20
Bearish Scenario 1,682.75 1,665.92 1,499.33 - 1,832.51
1,649.10 1,319.28 - 1,978.91
1,632.27 1,142.59 - 2,121.95

Overview of Prudent Corporate Advisory Services Limited




Asset Management



Market Cap


Last Dividend


Official Website

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IPO Date


DCF Diff




Financial Ratios Every Investor Needs

Stock Dividend of PRUDENT

Date Label Adj Dividend Dividend Record Date Payment Date Declaration Date
2024-09-13 September 13, 24 2 2 2024-09-13 2024-10-26
2023-08-18 August 18, 23 1.5 1.5 2023-08-18 2023-09-28
2022-09-15 September 15, 22 1 1 2022-09-16 2022-10-29

Stock Rating Details for PRUDENT

Metric Value Recommendation
Overall Rating C Sell
DCF Score 5 Strong Buy
ROE Score 1 Strong Sell
ROA Score 1 Strong Sell
Debt-to-Equity (DE) Score 1 Strong Sell
Price-to-Earnings (PE) Score 1 Strong Sell
Price-to-Book (PB) Score 1 Strong Sell

Annual Financial Income Report

Date Revenue Co.Rev GP GPR R&D Expenses G&A Expenses Operating Income Net Income EPS EBITDA NIR
2024-03-31 799.07 Cr 545.14 Cr 253.93 Cr 0.3178 0.00 Cr 93.46 Cr 162.39 Cr 138.75 Cr 33.51 214.55 Cr 0.1736
2023-03-31 604.84 Cr 408.50 Cr 196.34 Cr 0.3246 0.00 Cr 83.59 Cr 155.11 Cr 116.69 Cr 28.18 179.14 Cr 0.1929
2022-03-31 442.78 Cr 315.72 Cr 127.06 Cr 0.2870 0.00 Cr 69.26 Cr 105.65 Cr 80.34 Cr 19.42 119.04 Cr 0.1814
2021-03-31 277.56 Cr 205.66 Cr 71.90 Cr 0.2590 0.00 Cr 2.16 Cr 47.72 Cr 45.30 Cr 10.94 70.18 Cr 0.1632
2020-03-31 229.31 Cr 167.13 Cr 62.18 Cr 0.2712 0.00 Cr 1.91 Cr 35.41 Cr 27.85 Cr 6.73 47.90 Cr 0.1215

Annual Financials Balance Sheet

Date C&C Equ. Tot. Assets Tot. Liab. Stock. Equity Tot. Debt Net Debt Inv. PP&E (Net) Curr. Def. Rev. Non-Curr. Def. Rev. LT Invest. Curr. Liab.
2024-03-31 18.20 Cr 757.56 Cr 276.20 Cr 481.3542 Cr 20.32 Cr 2.11 Cr 0.00 Cr 35.90 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 8.94 Cr 248.5464 Cr
2023-03-31 21.70 Cr 519.90 Cr 169.92 Cr 349.9764 Cr 17.02 Cr -4.68 Cr 175.42 Cr 31.06 Cr 0.00 Cr 6.02 Cr 103.20 Cr 120.2660 Cr
2022-03-31 29.02 Cr 399.98 Cr 162.37 Cr 237.6133 Cr 13.17 Cr -15.85 Cr 0.00 Cr 28.30 Cr 0.20 Cr 0.20 Cr 49.61 Cr 149.0805 Cr
2021-03-31 99.33 Cr 284.93 Cr 127.29 Cr 157.6450 Cr 12.60 Cr -86.73 Cr -3.34 Cr 25.98 Cr 5.14 Cr 1.12 Cr -43.36 Cr 116.7310 Cr
2020-03-31 80.64 Cr 196.08 Cr 83.56 Cr 112.5180 Cr 17.19 Cr -63.45 Cr -0.27 Cr 27.07 Cr 1.78 Cr 4.59 Cr -23.80 Cr 78.4350 Cr

Annual Financials Cash Flow Statement

Date Operating Cash Investing Cash Financing Cash Free Cash Cash Change Cash at End CapEx Income Debt Repay Dividends Inventory
2024-03-31 149.5951 Cr -139.0967 Cr -13.5943 Cr 144.7773 Cr -3.5001 Cr 18.2012 Cr -4.8177 Cr 138.7512 Cr 0.0000 Cr -6.2107 Cr 0.0000 Cr
2023-03-31 126.7208 Cr -112.1515 Cr -11.5860 Cr 124.8976 Cr 2.9833 Cr 21.7013 Cr -1.8232 Cr 156.8201 Cr -5.3702 Cr -4.1407 Cr 4.0223 Cr
2022-03-31 93.0070 Cr -163.2486 Cr -10.3726 Cr 91.2127 Cr -80.6141 Cr 18.7180 Cr -1.7943 Cr 107.1078 Cr -7.4901 Cr -0.3101 Cr -26.6275 Cr
2021-03-31 57.7220 Cr -27.6710 Cr -11.3580 Cr 56.0150 Cr 18.6930 Cr 99.3320 Cr -1.7070 Cr 60.5240 Cr -9.3862 Cr -0.2580 Cr -41.9130 Cr
2020-03-31 50.2780 Cr -4.7650 Cr -22.0690 Cr 46.8170 Cr 26.4240 Cr 80.6390 Cr -3.4610 Cr 37.4340 Cr -19.0200 Cr -0.3120 Cr 17.5250 Cr

Quarterly Financial Income Report

Date Revenue Co.Rev GP GPR Operating Income Net Income EPS EBITDA NIR
2024-12-31 282.71 Cr 198.41 Cr 84.30 Cr 0.2982 0.00 Cr 48.19 Cr 11.64 72.51 Cr 0.1705
2024-09-30 284.54 Cr 192.81 Cr 91.73 Cr 0.3224 60.50 Cr 51.52 Cr 12.44 76.59 Cr 0.1811
2024-06-30 256.42 Cr 148.54 Cr 107.88 Cr 0.4207 59.19 Cr 44.20 Cr 10.67 65.49 Cr 0.1724
2024-03-31 245.89 Cr 134.98 Cr 110.91 Cr 0.4511 59.77 Cr 44.57 Cr 10.76 66.20 Cr 0.1813
2023-12-31 208.40 Cr 137.41 Cr 70.99 Cr 0.3406 48.05 Cr 35.70 Cr 8.62 54.35 Cr 0.1713

Quarterly Financials Balance Sheet

Date Cash & Equiv. Short-Term Inv. Cash & Short-Term Net Receivables Inventory Total Curr. Assets PP&E (Net) Total Assets Total Liabilities
2024-09-30 14.30 Cr 122.56 Cr 136.87 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 270.74 Cr 51.70 Cr 821.30 Cr 253.20 Cr
2024-06-30 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr -481.35 Cr
2024-03-31 132.05 Cr 127.21 Cr 132.05 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 293.74 Cr 35.57 Cr 757.56 Cr 276.20 Cr
2023-12-31 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr
2023-09-30 13.64 Cr 59.79 Cr 73.43 Cr 0.00 Cr 188.54 Cr 194.73 Cr 34.51 Cr 609.67 Cr 207.73 Cr

Quarterly Financials Cash Flow Statement

Date Net Income Operating Cash Flow Investing Cash Flow Financing Cash Flow Net Cash Change Cash at End Cash at Beginning CapEx Free Cash Flow
2024-06-30 44.20 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr
2024-03-31 44.57 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr
2023-12-31 35.70 Cr 12.60 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 12.60 Cr 79.85 Cr 67.24 Cr 0.00 Cr 12.60 Cr
2023-09-30 30.42 Cr 12.27 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 12.27 Cr 67.24 Cr 54.98 Cr 0.00 Cr 12.27 Cr
2023-06-30 28.06 Cr 11.92 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 11.92 Cr 33.82 Cr 21.90 Cr 0.00 Cr 11.92 Cr

Splits History

Date Label Split Ratio
No split history data available.

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Prudent Corporate Advisory Services Limited PRUDENT ₹1,675.80 ₹69,389,347,860.00 ₹84,959.00
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Key Executives

Founder, Chairman & MD
Mr. Sanjay Rameshchandra Shah

Gender: male

Year Born: 1967

Chief Executive Officer & Whole-time Director
Mr. Shirish Govindbhai Patel

Gender: male

Year Born: 1977

Chief Financial Officer
Mr. Chiragkumar Bansilal Kothari

Gender: male

Year Born:

Fundamental Research Analyst
Nihal Shah

Gender: Not Specified

Year Born:

Head of Investor Relations
Parth Parekh

Gender: Not Specified

Year Born:

Company Secretary & Compliance Officer
Mr. Kunal Amrishbhai Chauhan C.S.

Gender: male

Year Born:

FAQs about Prudent Corporate Advisory Services Limited

Who is the CEO of the company?

The CEO is Mr. Shirish Govindbhai Patel.

What is the current market price of the stock?

The current price is ₹1,678.20.

What is the 52-week price range?

The range is ₹1135-3735.2.

What is the market capitalization of the company?

The market capitalization is ₹6,948.87 crores.

What is the dividend yield?

The dividend yield is 0.12%.

What is the Price-to-Earnings (P/E) ratio?

The P/E ratio is 36.86.

Which sector does the company belong to?

The company operates in the Financial Services sector.

What does the company do?

Overview of Prudent Corporate Advisory Services Limited (ISIN: INE00F201020) is a leading Asset Management in India. With a market capitalization of ₹6,948.87 crores and an average daily volume of 71,596 shares, it operates in the Asset Management. The company last declared a dividend of ₹2.