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Vinati Organics Limited


1,538.95 1.70 (0.11%)

Prev Close


Open Price




Today Low / High

1510 / 1581.35

52 WK Low / High

1462.2 / 2330


1,462 - 1,616

1,549.55 14.70 (0.96%)

Prev Close


Open Price




Today Low / High

1525.75 / 1579.35

52 WK Low / High

1462.7 / 2331.05


1,472 - 1,627

The stock is currently trading on both the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). On the NSE, the stock is priced at 1538.95 (target range: 1,462 - 1,616), reflecting a change of 1.7 (0.11059%). On the BSE, it is listed at 1549.55 (target range: 1,472 - 1,627), showing a change of 14.7 (0.95775%). Both the NSE and BSE data indicate positive movement, suggesting the stock is on an upward trend. This could be an attractive opportunity for investors looking for growth.

04 Mar 1,510.00 1.84%
03 Mar 1,501.05 2.41%
28 Feb 1,560.05 -2.26%
27 Feb 1,545.80 0.59%
25 Feb 1,541.00 0.36%
24 Feb 1,580.00 -2.54%
21 Feb 1,605.45 -1.57%
20 Feb 1,560.10 2.91%
19 Feb 1,563.25 0.76%
18 Feb 1,600.00 -2.30%
17 Feb 1,590.00 0.17%
14 Feb 1,645.15 -3.23%
13 Feb 1,656.80 -0.70%
12 Feb 1,685.00 -1.67%
11 Feb 1,730.00 -2.14%
10 Feb 1,730.10 0.05%
07 Feb 1,740.00 -0.07%
06 Feb 1,740.80 -0.01%
05 Feb 1,750.45 1.19%
04 Feb 1,774.75 -2.01%

Vinati Organics Limited Graph

Vinati Organics Limited Price Target Predictions: Bullish vs. Bearish Scenarios with Ranges

If you are looking Target Price for Vinati Organics Limited T1, T2, T3, for both Bullish or Bearish. For Bullish T1, T2, T3 and for Bearish T1, T2, T3. The stock current price is 1,539, with potential price targets ranging from T1, T2, T3 in both directions based on market conditions.

Scenario Price Target Range
Bullish Scenario 1,549.55 1,565.05 1,408.54 - 1,721.55
1,580.54 1,264.43 - 1,896.65
1,596.04 1,117.23 - 2,074.85
Bearish Scenario 1,549.55 1,534.05 1,380.65 - 1,687.46
1,518.56 1,214.85 - 1,822.27
1,503.06 1,052.14 - 1,953.98

Overview of Vinati Organics Limited




Chemicals - Specialty



Market Cap


Last Dividend


Official Website

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IPO Date


DCF Diff




Financial Ratios Every Investor Needs

Stock Dividend of VINATIORGA

Date Label Adj Dividend Dividend Record Date Payment Date Declaration Date
2024-09-03 September 03, 24 7 7 2024-09-03 2024-10-10
2023-09-01 September 01, 23 7 7 2023-09-01 2023-10-08
2022-09-06 September 06, 22 6.5 6.5 2022-09-07 2022-09-16
2021-06-24 June 24, 21 6 6 2021-06-25 2021-07-07
2020-09-17 September 17, 20 0.5 0.5 2020-09-18 2020-09-30

Stock Rating Details for VINATIORGA

Metric Value Recommendation
Overall Rating C- Strong Sell
DCF Score 4 Buy
ROE Score 1 Strong Sell
ROA Score 1 Strong Sell
Debt-to-Equity (DE) Score 1 Strong Sell
Price-to-Earnings (PE) Score 1 Strong Sell
Price-to-Book (PB) Score 1 Strong Sell

Annual Financial Income Report

Date Revenue Co.Rev GP GPR R&D Expenses G&A Expenses Operating Income Net Income EPS EBITDA NIR
2024-03-31 1,889.93 Cr 1,340.52 Cr 549.41 Cr 0.2907 0.00 Cr 26.21 Cr 398.11 Cr 322.97 Cr 31.15 509.84 Cr 0.1709
2023-03-31 2,084.71 Cr 1,083.49 Cr 1,001.22 Cr 0.4803 0.36 Cr 7.68 Cr 544.48 Cr 419.16 Cr 44.56 625.44 Cr 0.2011
2022-03-31 1,612.63 Cr 860.72 Cr 751.91 Cr 0.4663 0.73 Cr 4.51 Cr 388.60 Cr 346.62 Cr 33.72 496.39 Cr 0.2149
2021-03-31 942.18 Cr 387.66 Cr 554.52 Cr 0.5886 0.48 Cr 4.80 Cr 309.61 Cr 269.32 Cr 26.20 378.98 Cr 0.2858
2020-03-31 1,010.52 Cr 428.70 Cr 581.82 Cr 0.5758 0.79 Cr 3.00 Cr 380.78 Cr 333.82 Cr 32.48 459.75 Cr 0.3303

Annual Financials Balance Sheet

Date C&C Equ. Tot. Assets Tot. Liab. Stock. Equity Tot. Debt Net Debt Inv. PP&E (Net) Curr. Def. Rev. Non-Curr. Def. Rev. LT Invest. Curr. Liab.
2024-03-31 0.37 Cr 2,839.79 Cr 382.47 Cr 2,461.5562 Cr 4.65 Cr 4.28 Cr 198.54 Cr 1,737.20 Cr 23.10 Cr 17.08 Cr 40.36 Cr 218.3274 Cr
2023-03-31 5.64 Cr 2,547.09 Cr 328.80 Cr 2,218.2888 Cr 0.20 Cr -5.44 Cr 190.95 Cr 1,115.77 Cr 22.67 Cr -10.35 Cr 34.21 Cr 219.8707 Cr
2022-03-31 0.95 Cr 2,089.75 Cr 261.74 Cr 1,828.0180 Cr 18.40 Cr 17.45 Cr 176.16 Cr 923.41 Cr 12.69 Cr 0.00 Cr 94.92 Cr 167.2526 Cr
2021-03-31 1.68 Cr 1,733.82 Cr 190.41 Cr 1,543.4096 Cr 2.02 Cr 0.34 Cr 121.94 Cr 811.46 Cr 17.08 Cr 0.00 Cr 107.88 Cr 106.4499 Cr
2020-03-31 9.09 Cr 1,442.97 Cr 163.57 Cr 1,279.4057 Cr 0.35 Cr -8.75 Cr 93.17 Cr 780.06 Cr 19.78 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.96 Cr 89.0108 Cr

Annual Financials Cash Flow Statement

Date Operating Cash Investing Cash Financing Cash Free Cash Cash Change Cash at End CapEx Income Debt Repay Dividends Inventory
2024-03-31 331.8280 Cr -348.3860 Cr -108.2986 Cr -71.9137 Cr -124.8566 Cr 0.3658 Cr -403.7417 Cr 322.9676 Cr -30.5703 Cr -72.2599 Cr 34.4678 Cr
2023-03-31 577.4948 Cr -367.4109 Cr -85.9595 Cr 299.3920 Cr 124.1250 Cr 125.1922 Cr -278.1028 Cr 615.2821 Cr 6.8172 Cr -67.0141 Cr -14.7896 Cr
2022-03-31 126.7729 Cr -255.3822 Cr -46.5420 Cr -47.1062 Cr -175.1273 Cr 1.0672 Cr -173.8791 Cr 449.2494 Cr 16.3740 Cr -61.7934 Cr -54.2192 Cr
2021-03-31 219.0065 Cr -198.2952 Cr -3.0981 Cr 135.7097 Cr 17.6132 Cr 176.1945 Cr -83.2968 Cr 335.2395 Cr 1.6784 Cr -5.5354 Cr -28.7689 Cr
2020-03-31 415.9276 Cr -197.4564 Cr -109.0546 Cr 105.8379 Cr 109.4166 Cr 158.5813 Cr -310.0897 Cr 424.6726 Cr -3.3361 Cr -104.6206 Cr -0.7761 Cr

Quarterly Financial Income Report

Date Revenue Co.Rev GP GPR Operating Income Net Income EPS EBITDA NIR
2024-12-31 521.68 Cr 303.66 Cr 218.02 Cr 0.4179 0.00 Cr 93.70 Cr 9.04 149.03 Cr 0.1796
2024-09-30 553.32 Cr 339.48 Cr 213.84 Cr 0.3865 111.40 Cr 104.36 Cr 10.06 155.94 Cr 0.1886
2024-06-30 524.71 Cr 380.16 Cr 144.55 Cr 0.2755 103.30 Cr 84.16 Cr 8.12 133.93 Cr 0.1604
2024-03-31 550.31 Cr 375.51 Cr 174.80 Cr 0.3176 130.35 Cr 104.14 Cr 10.05 159.53 Cr 0.1892
2023-12-31 447.99 Cr 268.05 Cr 179.94 Cr 0.4017 104.13 Cr 76.94 Cr 7.49 123.46 Cr 0.1718

Quarterly Financials Balance Sheet

Date Cash & Equiv. Short-Term Inv. Cash & Short-Term Net Receivables Inventory Total Curr. Assets PP&E (Net) Total Assets Total Liabilities
2024-09-30 9.43 Cr 52.68 Cr 62.11 Cr 0.00 Cr 261.84 Cr 1,002.57 Cr 1,911.90 Cr 3,030.29 Cr 453.69 Cr
2024-03-31 0.37 Cr 24.90 Cr 37.70 Cr 529.61 Cr 198.54 Cr 989.87 Cr 1,737.20 Cr 2,839.79 Cr 378.24 Cr
2023-12-31 -223.39 Cr 446.77 Cr 223.39 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 223.39 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr
2023-09-30 6.76 Cr 271.45 Cr 278.20 Cr 390.82 Cr 178.54 Cr 927.86 Cr 1,204.88 Cr 2,646.30 Cr 333.31 Cr
2023-06-30 -205.56 Cr 411.12 Cr 205.56 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 205.56 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr

Quarterly Financials Cash Flow Statement

Date Net Income Operating Cash Flow Investing Cash Flow Financing Cash Flow Net Cash Change Cash at End Cash at Beginning CapEx Free Cash Flow
2024-03-31 104.14 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr
2023-12-31 76.94 Cr 38.67 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 38.67 Cr 52.46 Cr 13.80 Cr 0.00 Cr 38.67 Cr
2023-09-30 84.16 Cr 27.46 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 27.46 Cr 13.80 Cr -13.66 Cr 0.00 Cr 27.46 Cr
2023-06-30 83.22 Cr 26.39 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 26.39 Cr 36.28 Cr 9.90 Cr 0.00 Cr 26.39 Cr
2023-03-31 115.37 Cr 26.04 Cr 0.00 Cr 0.00 Cr 26.04 Cr 9.90 Cr -16.14 Cr 0.00 Cr 26.04 Cr

Splits History

Date Label Split Ratio
2020-02-05 February 05, 20 2:1
2009-10-30 October 30, 09 5:1

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Key Executives

Chief Financial Officer
Mr. Nand Kishor Goyal

Gender: male

Year Born:

Director of CSR & Non-Independent Executive Director
Ms. Viral Saraf Mittal

Gender: female

Year Born: 1986

Chief Operating Officer & Whole Time Director
Mr. Amit Thanawala

Gender: male

Year Born:

Company Secretary & Compliance Officer
Mr. Milind A. Wagh

Gender: male

Year Born:

Chief Executive Officer, MD & Executive Director
Ms. Vinati Saraf Mutreja

Gender: female

Year Born: 1984

Executive President of Mahad Plant
Mr. Budhi Sagar Lathi

Gender: male

Year Born:

Senior Vice President of Marketing
Mr. Mahendra Kumar Churiwala

Gender: male

Year Born:

Founder & Executive Chairman
Mr. Vinod Banwarilal Saraf

Gender: male

Year Born: 1950

FAQs about Vinati Organics Limited

Who is the CEO of the company?

The CEO is Ms. Vinati Saraf Mutreja.

What is the current market price of the stock?

The current price is ₹1,539.00.

What is the 52-week price range?

The range is ₹1462.2-2330.

What is the market capitalization of the company?

The market capitalization is ₹15,954.20 crores.

What is the dividend yield?

The dividend yield is 0.45%.

What is the Price-to-Earnings (P/E) ratio?

The P/E ratio is 41.29.

Which sector does the company belong to?

The company operates in the Basic Materials sector.

What does the company do?

Overview of Vinati Organics Limited (ISIN: INE410B01037) is a leading Chemicals - Specialty in India. With a market capitalization of ₹15,954.20 crores and an average daily volume of 59,946 shares, it operates in the Chemicals - Specialty. The company last declared a dividend of ₹7.