Sectors and Industries
Advertising Agencies
(2 Companies) -
Aerospace & Defense
(12 Companies) -
Agricultural - Machinery
(7 Companies) -
Agricultural Farm Products
(4 Companies) -
Agricultural Inputs
(17 Companies) -
Airlines, Airports & Air Services
(2 Companies) -
(2 Companies) -
Apparel - Footwear & Accessories
(6 Companies) -
Apparel - Manufacturers
(28 Companies) -
Apparel - Retail
(4 Companies) -
Asset Management
(24 Companies) -
Auto - Dealerships
(1 Companies) -
Auto - Manufacturers
(11 Companies) -
Auto - Parts
(50 Companies) -
Banks - Regional
(36 Companies) -
Beverages - Alcoholic
(2 Companies) -
Beverages - Non-Alcoholic
(1 Companies) -
Beverages - Wineries & Distilleries
(6 Companies) -
(9 Companies) -
(4 Companies) -
Business Equipment & Supplies
(2 Companies) -
(19 Companies) -
Chemicals - Specialty
(50 Companies) -
(4 Companies) -
Communication Equipment
(5 Companies) -
Computer Hardware
(1 Companies) -
(12 Companies) -
(8 Companies) -
Construction Materials
(20 Companies) -
Consulting Services
(1 Companies) -
Consumer Electronics
(1 Companies) -
(1 Companies) -
Department Stores
(2 Companies) -
Discount Stores
(1 Companies) -
Drug Manufacturers - General
(7 Companies) -
Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic
(45 Companies) -
Education & Training Services
(1 Companies) -
Electric Utilities
(1 Companies) -
Electrical Equipment & Parts
(25 Companies) -
Electronic Gaming & Multimedia
(1 Companies) -
Engineering & Construction
(35 Companies) -
(8 Companies) -
Financial - Capital Markets
(17 Companies) -
Financial - Conglomerates
(3 Companies) -
Financial - Credit Services
(33 Companies) -
Financial - Data & Stock Exchanges
(5 Companies) -
Financial - Mortgages
(9 Companies) -
Financial Services
(1 Companies) -
Food Confectioners
(7 Companies) -
Food Distribution
(1 Companies) -
Furnishings, Fixtures & Appliances
(19 Companies) -
Gambling, Resorts & Casinos
(2 Companies) -
Hardware, Equipment & Parts
(5 Companies) -
Household & Personal Products
(12 Companies) -
Independent Power Producers
(13 Companies) -
Industrial - Infrastructure Operations
(3 Companies) -
Industrial - Machinery
(44 Companies) -
Industrial - Pollution & Treatment Controls
(1 Companies) -
Industrial Materials
(5 Companies) -
Information Technology Services
(27 Companies) -
Insurance - Brokers
(1 Companies) -
Insurance - Diversified
(3 Companies) -
Insurance - Life
(5 Companies) -
Insurance - Property & Casualty
(1 Companies) -
Insurance - Reinsurance
(1 Companies) -
Integrated Freight & Logistics
(8 Companies) -
Internet Content & Information
(3 Companies) -
(1 Companies) -
Luxury Goods
(12 Companies) -
Manufacturing - Metal Fabrication
(13 Companies) -
Manufacturing - Tools & Accessories
(7 Companies) -
Marine Shipping
(6 Companies) -
Medical - Care Facilities
(13 Companies) -
Medical - Diagnostics & Research
(5 Companies) -
Medical - Healthcare Information Services
(3 Companies) -
Medical - Instruments & Supplies
(3 Companies) -
Medical - Pharmaceuticals
(1 Companies) -
Oil & Gas Equipment & Services
(1 Companies) -
Oil & Gas Exploration & Production
(3 Companies) -
Oil & Gas Integrated
(1 Companies) -
Oil & Gas Refining & Marketing
(11 Companies) -
Packaged Foods
(27 Companies) -
Packaging & Containers
(7 Companies) -
Paper, Lumber & Forest Products
(5 Companies) -
(3 Companies) -
REIT - Office
(1 Companies) -
REIT - Specialty
(1 Companies) -
(5 Companies) -
Real Estate - Development
(21 Companies) -
Real Estate - Diversified
(3 Companies) -
Real Estate - Services
(1 Companies) -
Regulated Electric
(4 Companies) -
Regulated Gas
(6 Companies) -
Renewable Utilities
(8 Companies) -
(5 Companies) -
Security & Protection Services
(1 Companies) -
Software - Application
(12 Companies) -
Software - Infrastructure
(6 Companies) -
Software - Services
(1 Companies) -
(5 Companies) -
Specialty Business Services
(5 Companies) -
Specialty Retail
(5 Companies) -
Staffing & Employment Services
(2 Companies) -
(39 Companies) -
Technology Distributors
(1 Companies) -
Telecommunications Services
(9 Companies) -
(3 Companies) -
Travel Lodging
(10 Companies) -
Travel Services
(2 Companies) -
(1 Companies) -
Waste Management
(1 Companies)
JSW Steel Limited
Price: ₹976.05
Volume: 1,744,463.00
Market Cap: ₹238,688.15 Cr -
Tata Steel Limited
Price: ₹138.57
Volume: 31,151,121.00
Market Cap: ₹172,982.47 Cr -
Jindal Steel & Power Limited
Price: ₹854.35
Volume: 2,828,570.00
Market Cap: ₹87,151.39 Cr -
NMDC Limited
Price: ₹63.06
Volume: 15,911,809.00
Market Cap: ₹55,441.22 Cr -
Lloyds Metals and Energy Limited
Price: ₹983.10
Volume: 607,927.00
Market Cap: ₹51,421.15 Cr -
Jindal Stainless Limited
Price: ₹594.85
Volume: 594,375.00
Market Cap: ₹49,001.96 Cr -
Steel Authority of India Limited
Price: ₹106.36
Volume: 23,396,328.00
Market Cap: ₹43,932.32 Cr -
APL Apollo Tubes Limited
Price: ₹1,428.05
Volume: 610,062.00
Market Cap: ₹39,631.96 Cr -
Shyam Metalics and Energy Limited
Price: ₹702.50
Volume: 428,411.00
Market Cap: ₹19,609.02 Cr -
Welspun Corp Limited
Price: ₹697.95
Volume: 2,263,837.00
Market Cap: ₹18,310.65 Cr -
Ratnamani Metals & Tubes Limited
Price: ₹2,442.50
Volume: 18,263.00
Market Cap: ₹17,119.97 Cr -
Sarda Energy & Minerals Limited
Price: ₹449.40
Volume: 405,402.00
Market Cap: ₹15,836.00 Cr -
Jindal Saw Limited
Price: ₹234.48
Volume: 1,281,121.00
Market Cap: ₹14,995.18 Cr -
KIOCL Limited
Price: ₹225.07
Volume: 144,350.00
Market Cap: ₹13,678.65 Cr -
Jindal Stainless (Hisar) Limited
Price: ₹570.00
Volume: 829,761.00
Market Cap: ₹13,448.30 Cr -
Jai Balaji Industries Limited
Price: ₹129.06
Volume: 694,830.00
Market Cap: ₹11,773.51 Cr -
Godawari Power & Ispat Limited
Price: ₹151.53
Volume: 2,318,673.00
Market Cap: ₹10,136.98 Cr -
NMDC Steel Limited
Price: ₹34.42
Volume: 5,474,315.00
Market Cap: ₹10,087.15 Cr -
Usha Martin Limited
Price: ₹300.45
Volume: 690,127.00
Market Cap: ₹9,155.97 Cr -
Maharashtra Seamless Limited
Price: ₹602.50
Volume: 281,936.00
Market Cap: ₹8,073.02 Cr -
Gallantt Ispat Limited
Price: ₹306.55
Volume: 43,755.00
Market Cap: ₹7,396.47 Cr -
The Sandur Manganese & Iron Ores Limited
Price: ₹401.95
Volume: 472,197.00
Market Cap: ₹6,513.00 Cr -
Electrosteel Castings Limited
Price: ₹93.09
Volume: 2,991,510.00
Market Cap: ₹5,754.68 Cr -
Surya Roshni Limited
Price: ₹225.65
Volume: 986,508.00
Market Cap: ₹4,910.96 Cr -
The Tinplate Company of India Limited
Price: ₹430.50
Volume: 876,575.00
Market Cap: ₹4,505.96 Cr -
Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited
Price: ₹233.73
Volume: 1,100,333.00
Market Cap: ₹4,378.70 Cr -
Tata Steel Long Products Limited
Price: ₹829.35
Volume: 97,912.00
Market Cap: ₹3,740.37 Cr -
Sunflag Iron and Steel Company Limited
Price: ₹207.47
Volume: 137,737.00
Market Cap: ₹3,739.00 Cr -
ISMT Limited
Price: ₹121.90
Volume: 1,016,509.00
Market Cap: ₹3,663.11 Cr -
Tata Metaliks Limited
Price: ₹1,110.55
Volume: 257,556.00
Market Cap: ₹3,506.84 Cr -
Indian Metals and Ferro Alloys Limited
Price: ₹610.25
Volume: 90,162.00
Market Cap: ₹3,292.55 Cr -
Kalyani Steels Limited
Price: ₹733.90
Volume: 82,505.00
Market Cap: ₹3,203.70 Cr -
JTL Industries Limited
Price: ₹79.05
Volume: 1,702,272.00
Market Cap: ₹3,020.04 Cr -
Jayaswal Neco Industries Limited
Price: ₹29.12
Volume: 316,693.00
Market Cap: ₹2,827.55 Cr -
Venus Pipes and Tubes Limited
Price: ₹1,257.20
Volume: 74,980.00
Market Cap: ₹2,560.55 Cr -
Maithan Alloys Limited
Price: ₹852.60
Volume: 68,170.00
Market Cap: ₹2,482.06 Cr -
Prakash Industries Limited
Price: ₹138.57
Volume: 820,816.00
Market Cap: ₹2,481.54 Cr -
Hi-Tech Pipes Limited
Price: ₹104.52
Volume: 1,817,104.00
Market Cap: ₹2,122.88 Cr -
Goodluck India Limited
Price: ₹625.00
Volume: 215,130.00
Market Cap: ₹2,046.16 Cr